Configure Custom Domain

A subdomain is an extension of your domain name. For example, and are subdomains of the domain. If you own your own domain, you can verify subdomains in Shrink It to use as part of your landing page URLs.


To verify a subdomain and use it on a landing page, you’ll need to complete a few tasks in your domain provider accounts. Here's a brief overview of this process.

  1. Create a CNAME record in your domain provider's domain manager.

  2. Use the address provided by us

  3. Use the new subdomain in your landing page URL.

Record Type Name/Host Value/Points to/Address TTL
CNAME Record Default

Create a CNAME Record in Common DNS Providers

Here are some resources for creating CNAME records with popular domain providers. If your service isn't listed here, log in to your provider's site and search their help documents, or contact their customer support team.

123-reg: How do I set up a CNAME record on my domain name?

BigRock: Adding a CNAME record on DNS management

Bluehost: DNS Records Explained, DNS Management Add Edit or Delete DNS Entries

Dreamhost: How do I add custom DNS records?

DNSimple: Add a CNAME record

eNom: How to: Change DNS Host Records

GoDaddy: Add a CNAME record

Namecheap: How can I set up a CNAME record for my domain?

Network Solutions: How Do I Modify CNAME Records?

Yahoo Small Business: How do I add, edit, and delete a CNAME record?

Once we’ve generated the CNAME for you, and you put it in your domain DNS records, your domain becomes useable inside our Shrink It platform, now you could have ( instead of (

Next , please contact our customer support on slack or web chat to finish the config from Shrink It side