Getting Started

This Tutorial aims to teach the user how to integrate his Website with cloud using Web SDK and how to use the products.

Required For Setup

Note: firebase-messaging-sw.js is required for push notifications to work.

Installation on multiple pages website

  • Add the following code to your website pages head tag
<script src=""></script>
  • Add the following code to your website pages body tag
  const shrinkitConfig = {
    projectId: "<Your Project ID>",
    apiKey: "<Your API Key>",
    websiteName: "<Your Website Name (Optional)>",
    userId: "<Your User ID (Optional)>",
    useCustomModal: true, // Optional - defaults to false

    // custom modal config
    title: "Modal Title", // Optional
    description: "Modal Description", // Optional
    yesButton: "YES", // Optional
    noButton: "NO", // Optional
    modalLanguage: "en", // Optional [en, ar] - defaults to en
    modalImage: "", // Optional

    .then((response) => {
      console.log("Shrinkit SDK initialized successfully", response);
    .catch((error) => {
      console.log("Shrinkit SDK initialization failed", error);
  • Add firebase-messaging-sw.js to your website root directory (e.g. public/firebase-messaging-sw.js).

Note: firebase-messaging-sw.js is required for push notifications to work.

Installation on single page website

  • Add the following code to your website index.html head tag
<script src=""></script>
  • Add the following code to your website starter component (e.g. App.js, App.vue, index.js, etc...)
const shrinkitConfig = {
  projectId: "<Your Project ID>",
  apiKey: "<Your API Key>",
  websiteName: "<Your Website Name (Optional)>",
  userId: "<Your User ID (Optional)>",
  useCustomModal: true, // Optional - defaults to false

  // custom modal config
  title: "Modal Title", // Optional
  description: "Modal Description", // Optional
  yesButton: "YES", // Optional
  noButton: "NO", // Optional
  modalLanguage: "en", // Optional [en, ar] - defaults to en
  modalImage: "", // Optional

try {
  await Shrinkit.init(shrinkitConfig);
  console.log("Shrinkit SDK initialized successfully");
} catch (error) {
  console.log("Shrinkit SDK initialization failed", error);
  • Add firebase-messaging-sw.js to your website root directory (e.g. public/firebase-messaging-sw.js).

Note: firebase-messaging-sw.js is required for push notifications to work.

Installation on Shopify store

Shrinkit Shopify

  • Click on Add app and follow the instructions to install the app on your store then Shrinkit SDK will be automatically installed on your store.